Friday, October 15, 2010

It's a disney character!

It's my attempt to draw and colour kinda of like Disney. There is a girl on DA
who is rather amazing when it comes to Disney style art. I mean i think she puts her own twist on it. Still, very nice. I kinda wanted to prove to myself that I could do it, and I'd had this sketch hanging around in my sketch book for forever and a day.
So I took a crack at it, and think it turned out all right. (probably could have done more with the background. =p Oh well maybe later. ^^
til' next time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's some picutres!

I was talking to Kyle Vigus earlier, he asked if I had a blog.
I said I did.
He asked if I'd posted anything.
I said I hadn't in a long time.
He said I should.

So I am.

I'm not super happy with the angry girl's proportions or flow of the hand, but i am in love with the colour, and the way the new Photoshop brushes worked out.

The Glee thing is just for fun, and while they are simple, I think i captured some of those kids pretty well. One of these days I'll add Sue and Will... maybe Emma. =p

The cartoony picture of myself I think turned out pretty well all around. yay me. >.>
I don't usually fly for the lineless stuff, but it was pretty fun to work on. =)
until next time-

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's a Webpage!

This is my first time posting here. I apologize to all who read my blogs, because i have atrocious spelling and grammar. (never been my strong suit. O.o)
I dunno if i mentioned this in my first post or not, but I am officially moving from Deviant art to here. I am looking for more professional views, opinions, and inspiration. And many of the people I went to school with, and interact on a professional level post here. So yay. =) My first picture as you might recognize is the banner at the top of my page, as well as being my web page main index. (though i haven't put it there yet.) I have been meaning to give my Web page an overhaul, for some months now, but every time I start working on it, I end up with a job somewhere. Not bad news, really, but it is long overdue. So here is my first step towards that goal. I wanted to do something more personal than coloured gradients, and sakura blossoms. Show off some of my art right away, and I thought this would be a fun way to mix media a little bit. There are bits of photographs in there, paper textures, and the drawing was inked and coloured in Painter. The composite was done in Photoshop. The second painting was just something I did for fun after I was sent an image by one of my friends. I was inspired to do this mech suit. I tend to draw fairly simply, and often times very sketch and rough like, but every once and a while i do something like this that has a ton of little detail. The character was drawn, inked, and coloured in Flash, and the background, and blur effects were done in Photoshop. More to come soon. =)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's a beginning!

Hello to all. I'm new at this so give me some time to figure things out, and when I do there will be pictures, and animation... maybe the occasional comment. For now if you're interested in seeing some work, my fun page is:

and my professional page is:
